Other times, a game was altered in smaller ways that unintentionally.

After you beat the game, the credits roll by and you start over with the.
***********Sound test**************** Hold A + B and press Start at the title screen **************Invincibility***********. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. Sometimes, an NES game was intentionally designed to be easier or more difficult in certain regions. At the Title Screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. Press B, A, Start at the title screen to start the game again with your score intact and the lives accumulated in the previous game. You can only select levels in Normal mode. Level Select Password Enter DDFFI as a password, then select Continue. To disable the code, exit the game using the 'Exit Game' option in the pause menu. Note: Enabling this code prevents achievements from being earned and uploading of scores to Xbox Live Leaderboards. Bubble Bobble Cheats Bubble Bobble was originally released in arcades in 1986 and was later ported to the NES. Then, press Up (2), Down (2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A to get unlimited lives and an unlimited Super Machinegun. If done correctly you should see the stage select screen ************Replay game with previous score and lives********* Complete the game once and return to the title screen. These cheats apply to the NES Classic versions of each game. Retain Old Score and # of Lives on New Game Stage Select (Japanese version only) At the title screen, press and hold Down on the crosspad, while holding it press Start and immediately hold Select. Retain Old Score on New Game At the title screen, after you've beaten the game, press, A, and then start. Access Sound Test At the title screen, after you've beaten the game, press A, B, then start. Some cheats On the title screen, press Right, Left, Down, Up, A, B, then Start 10 Lives (Player 1) On the title screen, press Right, Left, Down, Up, A, B, Select, then Start 10 Lives (Player 2) On the Title Screen, hold down A+B then Press Start.